Shpat Ferizi
Master of Business Administration at University of New Haven
Mr. Shpat Ferizi holds a Bachelor�s Degree in Computer Science and Information Systems from the American University in Bulgaria. Upon his graduation, he went back to Kosovo to found Peshkuiarte.com (PIA), now a well-established classified ads web solution in the market. He serves as the CEO, Product Manager and Head Developer at PIA and has successfully completed several distinct major projects within the company aimed at better fulfilling the needs of PIA's audience. Based on his experience and the current era of data driven decision making, he wishes to pursue a Master Degree in Business Intelligence to further broaden his knowledge on data analysis that leads to better and more precise business decision making. After coming back to Kosovo, he hopes that through this program, he will be able to transform mere data into meaningful information and broaden his company's products and services to better serve the Kosovo people.