Gentiana Desipojci
Master in Cyberforensics and Security at Illinois Institute of Technology
Ms. Desipojci completed her bachelor studies at the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and during her studies there she was granted a scholarship by AEP-HERD Program to attend a semester at Gjovik University Collage at Gjovik, Norway, as an exchange student. This opportunity helped her gain knowledge in cyber security, an information technology discipline not covered at University of Prishtina. She worked as a Junior Software Developer at Kosovo Energy Distribution System – KEDS. She is the author of an online class “Web site in ASP.net” which is published under ALMOOC (Albanian Massive Open Online Courses) platform for free online courses.
With Data Mining, Software Engineering and Cyber Security being primary areas of her interest, she is looking forward to gaining a broad foundation in Computer Science during her master’s studies. Her long-term plans are to obtain a position at a university or other institution where she can be involved in scientific research and teaching. Through this scholarship opportunity she is determined to achieve her goals towards becoming a successful Software Developer. She also wants to be a helping factor in increasing the number of young women enrolled in the ICT courses, helping them develop a career in software development and engineering.